Butter Cheese Cup Corn recipe
Snacks & Beverages

Butter Cheese Cup Corn

Sometimes, in our chaotic life, we all experience those kinds of days when we tend to become immovable. We take a pause. We want to relax. We just want to take a break from our daily routine.

We make promises to ourselves, to dedicate a day to our inner selves, not to move from the couch, finish Netflix marathon, finally finish the book that we have been reading since more than three months, and likewise many such unfinished and incomplete projects that we are longing to tick off from our to do list. And finally arrives the D Day, when we actually switch on the pause button. We take a day off from work, switch off our phone and switch off our mind from the daily chaos. Come whatever may, we are determined to achieve our goal.

Although, we can get away with anything. But, there is one thing for which we need a solution. The solution for our hunger pangs. What are we going to do? On lazy days like these, either we have to endure the pain or we have to depend on outside food.

But, what if I say we also have another alternative and, what if I say the alternative that I am going to reveal in this post is better, tastier, healthier and most important quicker. Yes, the recipe I am going to share is actually quicker than the time you spend to decide on the dish from the thousands of menus listed by hundreds of restaurants through apps. The recipe I am talking about is none other than Butter Cheese Cup Corn.

Reason I love Butter Cheese Cup Corn

Butter Cheese Cup Corn recipe is so effortless and so healthy, that I wonder sometime why I do not make this as my regular food. Well, if not regular, this for sure is my comfort food which I can have anytime with minimal effort and zero guilt.

I generally prepare this dish as an evening snack; however, there is no harm to include Butter Cheese Cup Corn in your lunch as well as dinner.

To prepare Butter Cheese Cup Corn recipe the only thing you might have to buy from local store is corn. I am sure rest of the ingredients is readily available inside your refrigerator.

So, next time when you want to pause for a while, just ensure to have some fresh corn kernels at home.

So, let us get down to the recipe.

Recipe: Butter Cheese Cup Corn

Preparation Time: Within 10 minutes Equipment used: One mixing bowl, one vessel to boil the corn kernels


  • 250 gram corn kernels (I have used readily available corn kernels from local store)
  • Around ½ tablespoon chopped garlic
  • Water to boil corn kernels
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon grated cheese
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper powder
  • Chopped green chillies (optional)


  • Wash the corn kernels
  • Boil the corn kernels after adding chopped garlic pieces. This will allow the aroma of garlic spread across corn kernels
  • Once boiled remove the vessel from hob and let it cool down for two minutes
  • Now drain the water from corn using a strainer
  • Shift the boiled corn kernels into a mixing bowl
  • Add butter, cheese, salt and pepper and mix it.
  • Your yummy bowl of Butter Cheese Cup Corn is ready
  • Add chopped green chillies if you want to have the dish little spicy
Corn kernels in boiling water

Boil corn kernels after adding garlic.

Corn kernels in a strainer

Drain the water from corn kernel with a strainer after 2 minutes.

Butter and cheese to make cup corn

Add butter and cheese after shifting the corn kernels in a mixing bowl.

Salt and pepper added to make butter cheese cup corn

Add salt and pepper and mix properly.


  • While purchasing check the quality of corn cob or corn kernels pack very carefully, as corn tends to perish fast
  • Grated cheese really go well with this dish. I did not have cheese blocks and hence used cheese spread. Nonetheless, it would not have any impact on the taste
  • Add salt carefully according to your taste, as butter and cheese already contain good amount of salt
  • The quantity of butter is provided (check in Ingredient section) considering the butter is at room temperature
  • The dish tastes best when it is fresh and hot. Don’t wait long to have the dish after you prepare it